[Android] Android Calculator Series – Division by Zero Crash Issue Resolved

Android Calculator Series – Division by Zero Crash Issue Resolved

Affected Versions

The following versions were affected by the division by zero crash issue:

Travel Calculator – V1.8.5
CyCalc – V1.3.11
TW Exchange Calc – V1.0.8
To check your current version, open the app’s menu and go to the “About” dialog, where the version number is displayed.


The issue has been fixed by blocking any division by zero operation. The value will now remain as 0.

After considering various options, we opted for the simplest solution to avoid introducing any new complications.

Updated Versions

The updated versions with the fix are:

Travel Calculator – V1.8.6
CyCalc – V1.3.12
TW Exchange Calc – V1.0.9
Once you update to these versions, the division by zero crash will no longer occur.

Currently, Travel Calculator has been rolled out in 100% progress. All users can update to V1.8.6 by now.

The other apps have already been fully released, so if you have automatic updates enabled, you should already have the latest version.

Future Updates

Moving forward, Android updates will be scheduled twice a year, around January and July, coinciding with winter and summer breaks.

There won’t be any major changes—just minor bug fixes and updates to the latest Google SDKs before releasing them.

If similar issues arise due to updates from Google, we’ll handle them in a similar manner—quickly identifying the problem and releasing a fix.

Thank you for your continued support. As long as I’m around, these apps will stay up-to-date with Google’s SDK, making currency conversion during travel less of a hassle.

Wishing you safe and enjoyable travels!

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